The Drug Treatment Court (DTC) is a District Court that provides supervised treatment, education and rehabilitation for offenders with problem drug use.

Improve your education and other areas

Improve your education and other areas

If you work with us, we can help you improve your education.  A better education will improve your chances of getting a better job when you finish the programme.

We do seven subjects for FETAC certification which is the same as a Junior Certificate. This is a stepping stone to applying to colleges of further education to help you chose a career and different lifestyle.

We provide meditation, peer support, addiction awareness / information classes to support you with your recovery.  We also have check-in groups on Monday and Friday to help support you over the weekends.

We provide health and fitness classes and gym membership to increase your fitness levels which is proven to reduce stress and combat depression which in turn helps you with your recovery.

We provide career guidance to help you find a job, or continue with another education programme which helps in creating a new lifestyle.

The education programme starts at 10am until 2pm Monday to Friday. We have a breakfast club from 9am to 9.30am.

Meet Colin

Meet Colin

Hi my name is Colin; I’m in phase 2 of the programme. You should go on this programme because

  • It keeps you out of trouble and off the streets
  • It gives you something to do in the morning and helps you get up in the morning
  • It keeps you out of prison and helps you detox off whatever drugs you’re taking
  • You get another chance at education which will help you get a job or CE scheme
  • You also get help with finding accommodation and managing other stresses in your life
  • It helps you with other problems in your life not just the drugs
  • You get rid of your charges, they are struck out if you get to full graduation.

Meet Sarah

Meet Sarah

Hi my name is Sarah. When I started on the drug court I was not sure if this is where I wanted to be or would I just take custody and get it over with, but once I got used to it I found the structure really helpful I didn’t know how much the structure could affect the gaps – what I was doing wrong with my recovery….. it helped find what I was looking for and needed …the space and support the structure gave me space for me to sort out my thinking ….. it got me to make different choices and access the help I needed for my physical and social wellbeing in a non-substance related environment. Things like treatment and accommodation and an education in Parnell CDETB to go to everyday from 10 until 2. They linked me with keyworkers counsellors and people who could really help like Chrysalis. I would love to see other girls avail of the programme because there is a fantastic health and fitness class and the gym is for free. I am not where I want to be yet but I know where I want to be!!”

Meet Shane

Meet Shane

My name is Shane. I think the programme is great and the team are so nice to you. They treat you like a person and not just a number on a charge sheet. When I first started on the Drug Court I didn’t know what to expect but as the weeks went on I could see myself change into a different person and all I can say is thank you to the team and the Judge for that.

The team has helped me in so many ways. They helped me with my education and as a result I am starting an apprenticeship next year. I just have one more module to complete and I am starting it. They have helped me with my drug use and as a result of that I am 30 days off weed today. I think it is good how they talk to you as a person and not just a number. I think it’s good how they ask you what they can do for you and they see can they help you to achieve it.