
Requirement regarding attendance at remote hearings.

The President of the High Court, hereby issues the following Practice Direction in accordance with s.11(12) and (13) of the Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020.

Requirement regarding attendance at remote hearings.

As with physical hearings, all remote hearings must be conducted in a manner which is consistent with the dignified and orderly administration of justice. In order to meet that requirement, parties, practitioners and proposed participants are requested to log into remote courtrooms from a fixed premises which is, as far as practicable, free from background noise or any other avoidable disruption. Participation in remote proceedings from a motor vehicle, save in wholly exceptional circumstances, is not acceptable.

All participants are requested to ensure that they have tested the stability of their internet connection prior to participating in the remote hearing.

Practitioners are also requested to dress in business attire which is suitably formal for a Court setting.

Parties can access the following documents for further guidance and assistance, either via the hyperlinks below or via https://www.courts.ie/remotecourts

Virtual Courtroom Guidance For Practitioners and Lay Litigants
Practical Guide to Remote Hearings in The Superior Courts

Dated this 3rd day of March 2022

Mary Irvine
President of the High Court

High court