Chief Justice Donal O’Donnell hosted a Board meeting of the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union in Dublin at Farmleigh House today.
The Network is an organisation made up of the Presidents of the Supreme Courts of all EU member states. The Presidents of the Supreme Courts of the United Kingdom, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland are Associate members. Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine are Observers.
The purpose of the Network is to provide a forum through which the Supreme Court Presidents can meet and discuss issues of common interest and exchange ideas. It also acts as an avenue through which European institutions can consult with EU Supreme Courts.
The meeting coincides with a programme of events to celebrate the centenary of our independent courts system. On achieving independence, the Constitution of the Irish Free State provided for the establishment a new courts system, which was achieved by the coming into force 100 years ago of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924. The 1924 Act established the basis of the Courts system which remains in place today, with the significant addition of a new Court of Appeal in 2014.
The Board members of the Network will join the Chief Justice and senior members of the Irish judiciary, other senior international judges and office holders of the State and across the justice sector to commemorate this important occasion.